Accidental Child Injuries

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort descendingOperations
518022February 20, 2016MichiganGrand Rapids (Kentwood)5745 East Grove Dr SE01000
534964April 3, 2016FloridaLehigh Acres4204 25th St SW01000
534962April 4, 2016North CarolinaRutherfordtonHope Dr01000
531410March 26, 2016IdahoRigby330 W First S01000
528942March 25, 2016TexasSan Angelo5751 Green Hill Rd01000
528436March 25, 2016TennesseeMemphis3400 block of Winchester01000
528389March 24, 2016AlabamaBirmingham7700 block of 2nd Ave S01000
525756March 21, 2016GeorgiaLithonia2859 Panola Rd01000
521496March 12, 2016GeorgiaLawrencevilleCannonball Ct01000
521176March 12, 2016FloridaFort Mc Coy (Fort McCoy)1501 NE 231 Avenue06000
520576March 10, 2016WyomingCheyenne5000 Ogallala Place01000
519347March 8, 2016OhioSandusky1500 block of Columbus Ave01000
518617March 8, 2016FloridaPalatkaFL-20 and Rowland Ave01000
501529February 7, 2016OhioDayton1200 block of Rosedale Drive01000
517940March 7, 2016CaliforniaSacramento7600 block of Countryfield Dr01000
515871March 3, 2016KentuckyHickoryState Rte 408 W01000
513948February 29, 2016South CarolinaSpartanburg340 Rowe St.01000
513745February 28, 2016VirginiaPortsmouth4200 block of Moregate Lane01000
513743February 28, 2016VirginiaPortsmouth700 block of Lancer Drive01000
511887February 23, 2016FloridaSanfordN/A01000
506753February 17, 2016VirginiaSuffolk200 block of Jonathans Way01000
505220February 14, 2016North CarolinaKnightdale200 block of Colchester Drive01000
504259February 12, 2016KentuckyLouisville500 block of W Evelyn Ave01000
502072February 8, 2016GeorgiaWalton (county)N/A01000
502052February 6, 2016GeorgiaDanielsvilleGeorgia Highway 17401000
