Accidental Child Injuries

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort descendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
143625June 5, 2014OhioAnsonia600 East Canal Stree01000
146236June 5, 2014OhioAnsonia601 E Canal St01000
700815November 10, 2016WisconsinAntigoN/A01000
2249578March 8, 2022TennesseeAntiochSmith Springs Rd01000
842182May 12, 2017TennesseeAntiochCane Ridge Rd01000
1171534July 25, 2018TennesseeAntiochHamilton Chruch Rd01000
2406225September 1, 2022FloridaApollo Beach6000 block of Sunsail Place01000
1541084November 2, 2019FloridaApopka1100 block of Robinson Ave02000
943731September 27, 2017CaliforniaApple Valley16100 block of Viho Rd01000
1630195February 17, 2020WisconsinAppletonN/A01000
273058December 30, 2014AlabamaArabCranford Rd01000
110899February 14, 2014TexasAransas PassN/A01001
2022444May 30, 2021FloridaArcadiaN/A01000
1504579September 15, 2019TexasArlington1409 Cloyne Dr11000
1740578July 20, 2020TexasArlington4100 block of Maple Springs Dr11000
1504589September 15, 2019TexasArlington3800 block of Mahonia Way01000
546174April 22, 2016TexasArlington4200 block of Troy Lane01000
2296526May 7, 2022North CarolinaAsheboroHigh Pine Church Rd01000
2230072February 9, 2022North CarolinaAshevilleN/A01000
2619523June 7, 2023TennesseeAshland City2099 Bearwallow Rd01000
1340308March 5, 2019KansasAtchison1104 Santa Fe St01000
1598580January 15, 2020AlabamaAthensAretha St01000
154343June 27, 2014TexasAthens14678 FM 5901000
2443491October 22, 2022GeorgiaAthens100 block of Essex Ct01000
219303November 9, 2014GeorgiaAtlantaCelebration Court00010
