Accidental Child Injuries

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects Injuredsort descendingSuspects ArrestedOperations
190507September 13, 2014North CarolinaCharlotteBank St01000
205866October 11, 2014North CarolinaJacksonvilleNorthview Ct01001
203326October 5, 2014MississippiMccomb3000 block of Gradyville Road01000
200482October 3, 2014District of ColumbiaWashington3744 Hayes St NE01001
199819October 1, 2014North CarolinaRutherfordton164 Helens Ln01001
198802September 29, 2014PennsylvaniaWilliamsport2nd and Locust St01000
198725September 30, 2014DelawareWilmingtonCliffside Ct01000
198280September 29, 2014IndianaIndianapolis9000 block of E 39th Pl01001
196227September 21, 2014WisconsinMarathon (Marathon City)WI-107 and Alpine Rd01000
194301September 17, 2014AlaskaDelta JunctionN/A01000
193524September 20, 2014South CarolinaColumbia100 block of East Lake Trail01000
192576September 17, 2014AlabamaBirmingham2700 block of 35th Ave N03000
190722September 13, 2014VirginiaVirginia Beach5800 block of Echingham Dr01000
179421August 5, 2014TexasFort Worth600 block of Destin Dr01000
189664September 11, 2014CaliforniaOakland2600 block of 77th Avenue 01000
188877March 18, 2014UtahRichfieldMain St01000
187921September 4, 2014FloridaMiddleburg2530 Blanding Blvd04000
186443September 5, 2014TexasHumble200 block of Moonshine Hill01000
184348August 30, 2014CaliforniaGeorgetownBottle Hill Road01000
184236September 1, 2014TennesseeRutledge329 Wildlife Way01000
184224September 1, 2014VirginiaDinwiddie2100 block of Courthouse Road01000
181722August 23, 2014MississippiGreenwood1620 Main St01001
181555August 26, 2014MichiganBattle CreekN/A01000
180849August 23, 2014IdahoHayden9400 block of North Government Way01000
180138August 23, 2014FloridaMilton4900 block of Trailer Park Ct01000
