Accidental Injuries

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims Killedsort descendingVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
393407August 10, 2015FloridaDeerfield Beach1700 S. Powerline Road01000
394953August 14, 2015PennsylvaniaCarbondale105 Westgate Dr01001
394872August 13, 2015PennsylvaniaCarbondale105 Westgate Drive01001
394768August 2, 2015ColoradoHartselN/A01001
394666August 4, 2015IllinoisChicago6700 block of South Western Avenue01000
394655August 4, 2015TexasAustinShaw Lane01000
394644August 2, 2015PennsylvaniaEllwood CityRolling Hills Farm Ln01000
394636August 2, 2015FloridaWest Palm Beach (Lake Park)9031 Old Dixie Hwy01000
394625August 14, 2015ArizonaPhoenixN 44th Ave and E Union Hills Dr01000
394570August 13, 2015North CarolinaGreensboroMarion St and Van Wert St01002
394299August 13, 2015AlaskaDelta JunctionN/A01000
393713August 13, 2015New YorkBronxRodmans Neck Rd01000
393409August 12, 2015PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1100 block of E Chelten Ave01000
391382August 9, 2015MinnesotaRochester1500 block of Fourth Avenue Southeast01000
393230August 6, 2015MichiganPontiac100 block of Ridgemont01000
393218August 12, 2015ConnecticutWallingford25 Pine Street01000
392797August 12, 2015TexasHouston12900 block of Meadow Run Ct01100
392732August 10, 2015IdahoCottonwoodIngram Road01000
392325August 10, 2015MichiganMuskegon (Muskegon Heights)3200 block of 7th St01000
392264August 7, 2015New YorkAuburn2947 Turnpike Rd01000
392083August 10, 2015FloridaLakelandN/A01000
392029August 11, 2015OhioColumbus400 block of Glenwood Ave01000
391766August 9, 2015North DakotaMinot2800 block of 6th Street Southwest01000
391544August 10, 2015CaliforniaFresno5151 North Gates Avenue01000
391403August 9, 2015DelawareLincoln21000 block of W. Mayhew Dr.01010
