Accidental Injuries

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects Injuredsort descendingSuspects ArrestedOperations
430466October 12, 2015KansasSalina111 E. Pacific01000
432721October 18, 2015CaliforniaKern (county)N/A01000
432709October 19, 2015FloridaTallahasseeMiccosukee and Magnolia01000
432587October 14, 2015MassachusettsWeston8 Sibley Road01000
432540October 17, 2015GeorgiaDallas400 block of Fairview Drive11001
432408October 16, 2015New HampshireSanborntonShaw Hill Road01000
432344October 15, 2015ColoradoWoodland ParkRampart Range Rd and Loy Creek Rd01000
431961October 17, 2015IllinoisChicago3800 block of West Adams Street01000
431850October 16, 2015KansasSalina2259 South 9th Street01000
431838October 14, 2015ConnecticutWeston8 Sibley Road01000
431806October 16, 2015West VirginiaCedar Grove200 block of William Street01000
431443October 14, 2015GeorgiaAmericusReddick and Carter01000
430971October 13, 2015GeorgiaSavannah36th Street and Waters Avenue01000
428110October 9, 2015LouisianaNew OrleansElk Place01000
430358October 6, 2015WashingtonLopez IslandN/A01000
430346October 13, 2015PennsylvaniaZion GroveN/A01000
429981October 10, 2015AlabamaTuscaloosa13000 block of North Rosser Road01000
429876October 13, 2015TexasKyle500 Blanco St.01000
429766October 7, 2015CaliforniaAntiochN/A01000
429654October 12, 2015TexasSan Antonio8000 block of Oakdell Way01000
429124October 11, 2015South CarolinaRock Hill1100 block of Stanley Drive01000
428696October 11, 2015MichiganEvart6660 20 Mile Rd01000
428683October 10, 2015VermontBridgewaterRoute 401000
428404October 10, 2015ColoradoColorado Springs4400 block of East San Miguel Street01000
428352October 9, 2015WisconsinBurlingtonN/A01000
