Accidental Injuries

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort ascendingOperations
1948001March 8, 2021MissouriSaint LouisCherokee St and Indiana Ave01001
1958931March 17, 2021GeorgiaMarietta1100 South Marietta Pkwy SE01001
1958485March 22, 2021IllinoisDecatur1500 block of N Church St01001
1957701March 20, 2021LouisianaShreveport4911 Monkhouse Dr11001
1957421March 19, 2021CaliforniaFresno480 E Shaw Ave11001
1957291March 19, 2021ArizonaMesaW Broadway Rd and S Longmore11011
1957046March 19, 2021OklahomaOklahoma CityN Woodward Ave and NW 28th St10011
1956098March 18, 2021North CarolinaWinston Salem (Winston-salem)730 Ferrell Ct02001
1956034March 18, 2021South CarolinaHartsvilleBills Cir01001
1955874March 17, 2021MichiganBay City100 block of N Walnut St01001
1955730March 15, 2021FloridaClewiston700 Harlem Tenants Cir02001
1954745March 14, 2021PennsylvaniaConneautville12714 Dicksonburg Rd00011
1950630March 9, 2021ArkansasHot Springs National Park (Hot Springs)854 Carpenter Dam Rd01001
1930519February 16, 2021New YorkNew York (Manhattan)Clinton St and Delancey St01001
1946599March 6, 2021AlabamaHuntsville2800 block of Haas Ave01001
1942586March 2, 2021FloridaHomestead13256 Old Biscayne Dr10011
1942056March 1, 2021KentuckyLexington100 block of Rand Ave01001
1941923February 28, 2021West VirginiaCharleston100 block of Kanawha Blvd01001
1939038February 25, 2021South CarolinaIrmoWalnut Grove Cir10011
1937857February 24, 2021KentuckyLouisville2600 block of Cleveland Blvd01001
1934833February 21, 2021IllinoisChicago7800 block of S Muskegon Ave03001
1934746February 21, 2021ColoradoColorado SpringsS Academy Blvd and Astrozon Blvd00011
1932754December 19, 2020WyomingCasperN/A00011
1932573December 20, 2020OhioNorth LimaMarket St and W Calla Rd01001
1932173December 29, 2020CaliforniaBarstow500 block of W Fredricks St01001
