Accidental Injuries

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort ascendingOperations
1974088April 10, 2021TennesseeMemphis385 Western Park Dr13001
1982587April 19, 2021ColoradoDenver7475 E Iliff Ave01001
1981805April 19, 2021TexasHouston700 E Whitney St23011
1981709April 19, 2021TennesseeMemphisN/A02001
1981462April 18, 2021TennesseeChattanooga4000 block of Chandler Ave02001
1981063April 16, 2021IllinoisDecatur700 block of S Jasper St00011
1981020April 18, 2021PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia2900 block of Amber St02001
1979458November 10, 2020WisconsinKenoshaN/A01001
1978961April 7, 2021FloridaHomosassaN/A01001
1978566April 13, 2021KentuckyGrayson400 block of E 4th St01001
1978162April 14, 2021WisconsinMilwaukeeHolton St and Center St01011
1977088February 13, 2021LouisianaNapoleonville (Bayou L'ourse)N/A00011
1975411April 12, 2021New YorkNew York (Manhattan)309 E 78th St01001
1960597March 11, 2021TexasOdessa3700 block of Springdale Dr00011
1973403April 6, 2021OhioCincinnatiN/A01001
1973393April 8, 2021ColoradoColorado SpringsN Murray Blvd and E Platte Ave02001
1973077April 9, 2021MinnesotaSaint Paul600 block of Case Ave01001
1971331April 7, 2021New YorkNew York (Manhattan)W 38th St and Eighth Ave01001
1970162April 6, 2021VirginiaDanville1200 block of N Main St01001
1969462April 5, 2021New YorkBrooklynNew Lots Ave and Montauk Ave01001
1969430April 4, 2021TexasAustin1600 block of Nash Hernandez Senior Rd02001
1966396April 1, 2021ArizonaPhoenix67th Ave and McDowell Rd01001
1963281March 27, 2021TexasHouston14805 Grisby Rd01001
1962435March 26, 2021KentuckyLouisville (Shively)2121 Crums Ln12001
1962060March 25, 2021FloridaBunnellNutwood Ave01001
