Accidental Injuries

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort ascendingOperations
1991678April 30, 2021New JerseyBurlington400 block of Saint Mary St11001
2007088May 16, 2021TennesseeJohnson City225 E Main St01001
2006959May 15, 2021FloridaLargo990 Missouri Ave N00011
2004506May 14, 2021OklahomaChoctawMcDonald Dr00011
2004344May 13, 2021KentuckyEdmontonWilson Cir01001
2003371May 12, 2021IllinoisDecaturN/A00011
2001500May 10, 2021TexasAustin1515 Wickersham Ln01001
2000923May 10, 2021TexasEden100 block of Bryan St21001
1998563May 8, 2021New YorkNew York (Manhattan)W 44th St and Seventh Ave03001
1997471May 6, 2021New YorkBronx3711 3rd Ave11001
1994319May 1, 2021New JerseyTrentonPerry St and N Montgomery St00011
1991962April 30, 2021WisconsinJanesville200 block of Linn St01001
1991887May 1, 2021AlabamaDothan200 block of Hill St01001
1984099April 21, 2021ArizonaPhoenix19th Ave and Peoria Ave11001
1991625April 29, 2021MississippiJackson621 Houston Ave01001
1991320April 29, 2021TexasElsa300 block of E 3rd St01001
1991229April 29, 2021New YorkBrooklyn178 Broadway02001
1990899April 28, 2021North CarolinaAsheboroAshewood Cir01001
1988540April 26, 2021TexasHouston990 Cypress Station Dr11001
1987767April 23, 2021MissouriSaint Louis9900 block of Glen Owen Dr01001
1986822April 25, 2021OhioToledo2200 block of Auburn Ave01001
1985736April 23, 2021CaliforniaBakersfield100 block of P St01001
1985113April 22, 2021IllinoisKankakee1700 E Court St01001
1985090April 22, 2021TennesseeMemphisN/A01001
1984740April 23, 2021GeorgiaAtlanta1161 Ponce De Leon Ave NE01001
