Accidental Teen Deaths

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims Killedsort ascendingVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
3114289January 12, 2025ArkansasForrest City1416 S Washington St10001
3138663February 12, 2025WyomingCasper4005 E 8th St10001
3137062February 9, 2025IndianaIndianapolisN/A10000
3136933February 10, 2025MissouriSaint Louis10900 block of John James Dr10001
3135935February 9, 2025IllinoisChicago9200 block of S Harper Ave10001
3134545February 6, 2025WashingtonLynwood19900 block of 56th Ave W10000
3134540September 16, 2024FloridaWest Palm BeachParker Ave10001
3134050February 5, 2025OhioAllianceE Ely St10000
3130269February 1, 2025FloridaGreenacres5000 block of Edgecliff Ave10001
3125641January 26, 2025IllinoisChicago7100 block of S Constance Ave10000
3124357January 25, 2025TennesseeJackson100 block of Hardee St10001
3122469January 23, 2025North CarolinaKannapolis450 Cabarrus Arms Dr10000
3119995April 7, 2024ArizonaPhoenix7th Ave and Mountain View Rd10001
3094408December 14, 2024GeorgiaEllenwood4000 block of Shane Trail10000
3113903January 13, 2025TexasTexas City10th Ave and 3rd St10000
3112863September 2, 2024South DakotaPine RidgeN/A10001
3112516January 9, 2025WisconsinMilwaukee6052 W Sheridan Ave10001
3110013January 6, 2025TexasWestfield Estates2423 William Tell St11000
3108969January 3, 2025MissouriSaint Louis1400 block of E Grand Ave10001
3104359December 28, 2024WisconsinMilwaukee3321 N 21st St10001
3102738December 26, 2024LouisianaBaton Rouge4944 S Sherwood Forest Blvd10001
3101176December 23, 2024FloridaSaint Petersburg1051 3rd Ave N10000
3101105December 24, 2024NebraskaLincoln1431 Hilltop Rd10001
3100590December 22, 2024GeorgiaColumbus1300 block of Floyd Rd10001
3095363December 15, 2024OhioDayton700 block of Burwood Ave10001
