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9-13-2020 Tennessee Beechgrove 5-1
September 13, 2020
Beechgrove, Tennessee
- Type: Victim
- Name: Darcey Johnson
- Age: 28
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Killed
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Female
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Name: Phillip Jordan Stevens
- Age: 23
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Killed
- Type: Subject-Suspect
- Relationship: Armed Robbery
- Name: Dangelo Dorsey
- Age: 29
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Killed
Incident Characteristics
- Shot - Wounded/Injured
- Shot - Dead (murder, accidental, or suicide)
- Suicide^
- Murder/Suicide
- Officer Involved Incident
- Officer Involved Shooting - subject/suspect/perpetrator killed
- Officer Involved Shooting - subject/suspect/perpetrator suicide at standoff
- Spree Shooting (multiple victims, multiple locations)
- Mass Shooting (4+ victims injured or killed excluding the subject/suspect/perpetrator, one location)
- Armed robbery with injury/death and/or evidence of DGU found
- Possession of gun by felon or prohibited person
- Gun(s) stolen from owner
1 killed & 1 shot mm 97K1,I1, carjack shot two others, killed hostage MM111B, Manchester, killed self after crash during police chase MM156 Jasper;
Guns Involved
1 gun involved.
- Type: Unknown
Congressional District: 6State Senate District: 16
State House District: 47