Primary tabs
5-18-2022 Florida Dade City 3-1
May 18, 2022
Johns RdDade City, Florida
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Killed
- Type: Victim
- Age: 16
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Gender: Female
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age: 11
- Age Group: Child 0-11
- Gender: Male
- Status: Injured
- Type: Subject-Suspect
- Name: Demetrius Roberts
- Age: 18
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Unharmed, Arrested
Incident Characteristics
- Shot - Wounded/Injured
- Shot - Dead (murder, accidental, or suicide)
- Accidental Shooting
- Accidental Shooting - Injury
- Stray bullet
- Child Involved Incident
- Child injured (not child shooter)
- Possession of gun by felon or prohibited person
Fist fight broke out between two teenaged girls, multiple people became involved. Neither teenaged girl was shot, 11 year old and his father were shot as well as a 16 year old girl. All vics were bystanders to the situation.
Guns Involved
1 gun involved.
- Type: Unknown
- URL:
Congressional District: 12State Senate District: 20
State House District: 38