Primary tabs
3-04-2023 Georgia Douglasville 9-3
March 04, 2023
3377 Talkeetna RdDouglasville, Georgia
- Type: Victim
- Name: Samuel Moon
- Age: 15
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Gender: Male
- Status: Killed
- Type: Victim
- Name: Ajanaye Hill
- Age: 14
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Gender: Female
- Status: Killed
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
- Type: Subject-Suspect
- Relationship: Gang vs Gang
- Name: Timothy Lamar Coleman Jr
- Age: 18
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Unharmed, Arrested
- Type: Subject-Suspect
- Relationship: Gang vs Gang
- Name: Kingston Cottman
- Age: 17
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Gender: Male
- Status: Unharmed, Arrested
- Type: Subject-Suspect
- Relationship: Gang vs Gang
- Name: Takhel Beverly Smart
- Age: 21
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Unharmed, Arrested
Incident Characteristics
- Shot - Wounded/Injured
- Shot - Dead (murder, accidental, or suicide)
- Mass Shooting (4+ victims injured or killed excluding the subject/suspect/perpetrator, one location)
- House party / Block Party / Park Party
- Gang involvement
- Possession of gun by felon or prohibited person
Altercation led to shooting at Sweet 16 party 100+ teens present Shooting occurred at intersection. Injured uped to 7 at 3/6 DCSO press conference. Acquitted 10/2024: Chance Terrell McDowell,17, Michael Arthur Williams,21, and Noah Bradley, 20.
Guns Involved
7 guns involved.
- Type: Unknown
- Type: Unknown
- Type: Unknown
- Type: Unknown
- Type: Unknown
- Type: Unknown
- Type: Unknown
- URL:
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Congressional District: 13State Senate District: 35
State House District: 65