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9-10-2023 Michigan Detroit 4-0
September 10, 2023
8600 block of Rosemont AveDetroit, Michigan
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Status: Killed
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Status: Killed
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
- Type: Victim
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Status: Injured
Incident Characteristics
- Shot - Wounded/Injured
- Shot - Dead (murder, accidental, or suicide)
- Mass Shooting (4+ victims injured or killed excluding the subject/suspect/perpetrator, one location)
- Shootout (where VENN diagram of shooters and victims overlap)
- Assault weapon (AR-15, AK-47, and ALL variants defined by law enforcement)
Location per DPD press conference; dispute betw teens in one house & adults in house across street; 1 suspect w AK47 initiated exchange of gunfire
Guns Involved
2 guns involved.
- Type: 7.62 [AK-47]
- Type: Unknown
Congressional District: 12State Senate District: 2
State House District: 3