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9-12-2023 Florida Winter Haven 1-1
September 12, 2023
St Paul DrWinter Haven, Florida
- Type: Victim
- Name: Lilia Gonzalez
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Gender: Female
- Status: Unharmed, Arrested
- Type: Subject-Suspect
- Name: Quashawn Burgess Jr
- Age: 15
- Age Group: Teen 12-17
- Gender: Male
- Status: Killed
Incident Characteristics
- Shot - Dead (murder, accidental, or suicide)
- Defensive Use
- Defensive Use - Crime occurs, victim shoots subject/suspect/perpetrator
- Gang involvement
- Armed robbery with injury/death and/or evidence of DGU found
- Criminal act with stolen gun
- Possession of gun by felon or prohibited person
- Stolen/Illegally owned gun{s} recovered during arrest/warrant
Shot trying to rob woman. Vic arrested for poss of stolen gun by felon
Guns Involved
1 gun involved.
- Type: Unknown
Congressional District: 18State Senate District: 27
State House District: 49