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11-07-2017 Pennsylvania Williamsport 2-2
November 07, 2017
Williamsport, Pennsylvania
- Type: Victim
- Name: Shawn Graham
- Age: 33
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Killed
- Type: Victim
- Participant Characteristics:
- Law Enforcement
- Name: Officer Nicholas Carrita
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Injured
- Type: Subject-Suspect
- Name: Paul Heath
- Age: 27
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Killed
- Type: Subject-Suspect
- Name: Jamier Rodney Hines
- Age: 25
- Age Group: Adult 18+
- Gender: Male
- Status: Unharmed, Arrested
Incident Characteristics
- Shot - Wounded/Injured
- Shot - Dead (murder, accidental, or suicide)
- Suicide^
- Officer Involved Incident
- Officer Involved Shooting - Officer shot
- Officer Involved Shooting - subject/suspect/perpetrator killed
- Officer Involved Shooting - subject/suspect/perpetrator suicide at standoff
- Police Targeted
- Spree Shooting (multiple victims, multiple locations)
Graham killed, car chase to 1500 block W 3rd St when susp shot officer, drove to Jersey Shore ext, then Sheetz (7775 US Hwy 220), shootout with police/suicide
Guns Involved
1 gun involved.
- Type: Unknown
Congressional District: 12State Senate District: 23
State House District: 83