Last 72 Hours

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
3138293February 12, 2025CaliforniaOaklandMyrtle St and 26th St01000
3138426February 12, 2025CaliforniaOakland2100 block of 23rd Ave01000
3139368February 13, 2025PennsylvaniaNorristownGeorge St and W Elm St10000
3138857February 13, 2025VirginiaNorfolk2600 block of Argonne Ave01000
3139507February 13, 2025LouisianaNew OrleansBehrman Hwy and Marr Ave01000
3138441February 13, 2025FloridaNavarre6920 Navarre Pkwy00010
3139439February 13, 2025LouisianaNatchitoches100 block of Saida St01000
3139160February 14, 2025OhioMount SterlingSR-207 and Crownover Mill Rd01000
3137824February 12, 2025MinnesotaMinneapolis1800 block of N Bryant Ave01000
3139213February 13, 2025MinnesotaMinneapolis1300 block of Willow St01000
3138937February 13, 2025PennsylvaniaMinersville314 Arlene St10100
3138423February 12, 2025WisconsinMilwaukee700 block of N 27th St01100
3139332February 14, 2025WisconsinMilwaukeeE Pleasant St and N Commerce St01000
3137843February 12, 2025WisconsinMilwaukeeN 82nd St and W Hampton Ave01000
3137821February 12, 2025WisconsinMilwaukeeWells St and Wisconsin Ave01100
3139075February 13, 2025FloridaMiami GardensNW 14th Pl01000
3138381February 12, 2025FloridaMiami Gardens4000 block of NW 192nd St01001
3138588February 13, 2025TennesseeMemphis6600 block of Birch Run Ln01000
3138709February 12, 2025TennesseeMemphis3497 Sharpe Ave01000
3138785February 13, 2025TennesseeMemphis6300 block of Blackbird Dr10000
3139149February 14, 2025TennesseeMemphisHarrison St and Peres Ave11000
3139335February 13, 2025West VirginiaMartinsburgGrapevine Rd00100
3138933February 13, 2025WisconsinMadison200 block of N Thompson Dr11000
3138106February 12, 2025KentuckyLouisvilleS 4th St and St Catherine St01000
3138284February 12, 2025CaliforniaLos AngelesW 54th St and Ruthelen St01000
