Search Results (Incidents)

Incident IDIncident DateStatesort ascendingCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
404624August 30, 2015LouisianaOpelousas200 block of Magnolia Street20000
183987August 31, 2014KentuckyHarrodsburgWarwick Road20000
212346October 28, 2014KentuckyOlympia4000 Mudlick Rd10000
926038September 2, 2017IndianaHammond7200 block of Osborn Ave10100
2654554July 15, 2023IllinoisBolingbrook700 block of Dalton Ln10100
3126091January 26, 2025IllinoisWaukegan1900 block of W Greenwood Ave10100
288430February 3, 2015IdahoMountain HomeRockridge Drive10000
269075December 25, 2014GeorgiaEastman5714 Anson Ave10001
544366February 6, 2016GeorgiaMadison1580 Aqua Road01100
1289271December 31, 2018GeorgiaLawrenceville1874 Riverlanding Cir10100
1624470February 16, 2020GeorgiaLexington1002 Wesley Chapel Rd10100
197917September 28, 2014CaliforniaLos Angeles400 block of E 138th St10100
2081408July 31, 2021CaliforniaPetaluma1216 Del Sol Way10100
