Search Results (Incidents)

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort descendingOperations
2420967September 21, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia500 block of E Queen Ln12000
2466431November 23, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1901 N 60th St04000
2458727November 13, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia400 block of E Wyoming Ave04000
2458060November 11, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia5200 block of Webster St03000
2452557November 4, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia2800 block of Boudinot St03000
2450097October 31, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia200 block of W Ontario St21000
2448295October 29, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaN 39th St and Aspen St03000
2448287October 30, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia601 Spring Garden St06000
2438499October 15, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaN 11th St12000
2437284October 14, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaWillard St and Shelbourne St04000
2435792October 12, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia800 block of N 10th St03100
2427999October 1, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia5000 block of Frankford Ave04000
2421137September 21, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia700 block of E Clearfield St03000
2380322August 5, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia3400 block of N Warnock St12000
2414698September 14, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia2800 block of W Oxford St03000
2411718September 10, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia2500 block of N 17th St03000
2406852September 5, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaW Russell St and N 8th St24000
2402690August 31, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1930 E Elkhart St03000
2399802August 27, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia2200 block of W Lehigh Ave03000
2396124August 23, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaN 60th St and Race St22000
2388071August 12, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1200 block of N Hutchison St03000
2385799August 12, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia900 block of Girard Ave03000
2385789August 12, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia5300 block of Charles St13000
2382688August 8, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia314 W Lehigh Ave12000
2381043August 7, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1300 block of N Newkirk St03000
