Search Results (Incidents)

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
898973July 26, 2017MarylandBaltimore1700 block of Sherwood Ave01001
902761July 28, 2017MarylandBaltimore4200 Flowerton Rd10000
902752July 30, 2017MarylandBaltimore4100 block of Grace Court00000
902119July 29, 2017MarylandBaltimore1700 block of Cole St01000
902117July 29, 2017MarylandBaltimore2300 block of Mosher St10000
901987July 30, 2017MarylandBaltimore1600 Hazel St10000
901977July 30, 2017MarylandBaltimore1700 Block of Morton St01000
901093July 29, 2017MarylandBaltimore22 S Greene St01000
901091July 28, 2017MarylandBaltimore400 block of N Kenwood Ave01000
900342July 26, 2017MarylandBaltimore2100 block of Dennison Street00001
899973July 27, 2017MarylandBaltimoreDana Street and Anthol Avenue01000
899403July 26, 2017MarylandBaltimore1200 block of Greenmount Avenue11000
898979July 25, 2017MarylandBaltimore5400 Price Ave10000
896571July 23, 2017MarylandBaltimore1100 block of Whitelock St10000
898971July 25, 2017MarylandBaltimore5400 Crismer Avenue00001
898968July 25, 2017MarylandBaltimore300 block of S. Franklintown Road00001
898966July 25, 2017MarylandBaltimore1200 block of N. Milton Avenue00001
898221July 25, 2017MarylandBaltimore2900 block of Belmont Avenue10000
898146July 19, 2017MarylandBaltimore800 block of Preston Street00001
898144July 19, 2017MarylandBaltimore1100 block of Cherry Hill Road00001
898140July 21, 2017MarylandBaltimore2600 block of Park Heights Terrace00001
898050July 25, 2017MarylandBaltimore1st block of N Monroe St01000
898048July 25, 2017MarylandBaltimore1300 block of Woodbourne Ave01000
898046July 25, 2017MarylandBaltimore4900 block of Greenspring Ave10000
896980July 23, 2017MarylandBaltimore100 block of Harford Ave01000
