Search Results (Incidents)

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims Injuredsort descendingSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1224530October 3, 2018MarylandBaltimore2500 block of Hollins St10000
1235515October 18, 2018MarylandBaltimore4100 block of Cranston Ave10000
1234707October 17, 2018MarylandBaltimore2600 block of Saint Benedict St10000
1234619October 17, 2018MarylandBaltimore2400 block of Baker St10000
1234282October 16, 2018MarylandBaltimore1100 block of N Carey St10000
1234235October 16, 2018MarylandBaltimore1800 block of W Fayette St10000
1233731October 15, 2018MarylandBaltimoreJames St00001
1233710October 15, 2018MarylandBaltimoreLexington St and Greene St00002
1232638October 14, 2018MarylandBaltimore1500 block of N Bond St10000
1232283October 12, 2018MarylandBaltimore3400 block of Leverton Ave10000
1229416October 9, 2018MarylandBaltimore1900 block of W Fayette St10000
1227771October 7, 2018MarylandBaltimore1800 block of N Fulton Ave10000
1225426October 4, 2018MarylandBaltimore2201 Pinewood Ave00001
1221599September 30, 2018MarylandBaltimore1500 block of N Rosedale St10000
1224525October 4, 2018MarylandBaltimore4600 block of Liberty Heights Ave10001
1224523October 3, 2018MarylandBaltimore3300 block of Cardenas Ave10000
1223671September 28, 2018MarylandBaltimore5100 block of Park Heights Ave00001
1223668October 1, 2018MarylandBaltimore2200 block of W Fayette St00002
1223660October 3, 2018MarylandBaltimore100 block of W Edgevale Rd00000
1223647October 2, 2018MarylandBaltimore2700 block of Boarman Ave10000
1222794October 1, 2018MarylandBaltimore2800 block of Lake Ave10000
1222711October 1, 2018MarylandBaltimore400 block of Homeland Ave10000
1222709October 1, 2018MarylandBaltimore2600 block of Cole St10000
1222033October 1, 2018MarylandBaltimore3000 block of Oakley Ave10000
1221836October 1, 2018MarylandBaltimore3000 block of Belmont Ave10000
