Search Results (Incidents)

Incident IDIncident Datesort descendingStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
3095559December 14, 2024PennsylvaniaChester2000 block of Edgmont Ave02000
3097593December 17, 2024PennsylvaniaChesterParker St and Union St01000
3107244January 1, 2025PennsylvaniaChester1100 block of Keystone Rd01000
3128819January 26, 2025PennsylvaniaChester900 block of Walnut St01001
3128823January 26, 2025PennsylvaniaChesterW 15th St and Upland Ave01000
3135617February 8, 2025PennsylvaniaChester1000 block of Madison St10000
3136246February 9, 2025PennsylvaniaChester300 block of E 12th St02000
3139337February 13, 2025PennsylvaniaChester2700 block of Lehman St10000
