Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort ascendingOperations
1416334June 5, 2019TexasHouston7402 Calhoun Rd01001
1420820June 11, 2019TennesseeMemphis6700 block of Watergrove Dr00011
1420645June 11, 2019GeorgiaColumbus18th Ave01001
1419513June 10, 2019North CarolinaRichlandsElizabeth St00001
1419431June 10, 2019South CarolinaNorth Charleston2800 block of Ranger Drive10001
1418872June 7, 2019TexasAustin4809 S Congress Ave00001
1418818June 9, 2019IdahoMontpelierUS Hwy 3010001
1418578June 7, 2019WisconsinWausau328 N Second Ave10001
1417778June 7, 2019South CarolinaWellford200 Monarch Pl00001
1417620June 7, 2019West VirginiaLewisburgFeamster Rd10001
1417094June 7, 2019New YorkNew York (Manhattan)Madison Ave and E 102nd St01001
1417080June 7, 2019TexasLubbock1600 block of 58th St10001
1416972June 7, 2019ArizonaTucson8000 block of N Country Home Ln10001
1407338May 27, 2019FloridaTallahassee1325 W Tharpe St10001
1414356June 2, 2019ColoradoGrand Junction1600 block of North Ave00011
1413663June 2, 2019OklahomaByars110th St and Sandy Ave10001
1413641June 2, 2019MissouriSaint Louis1100 block of Bissell St01001
1412716June 2, 2019WisconsinMilwaukeeN 12th St and W Concordia Ave02001
1412302June 1, 2019MarylandEllicott City4261 Montgomery Rd10001
1412064June 1, 2019MississippiBoltonLyons Rd01001
1411302May 30, 2019WashingtonSedro Woolley100 block of Ferry St00011
1410272May 26, 2019FloridaValrico1035 Grand Canyon Dr10001
1409965May 30, 2019South CarolinaSumter500 block of S Lafayette Dr10001
1408646May 27, 2019ArizonaPhoenix27th Ave and Southern Ave10001
1408622May 29, 2019FloridaZephyrhills23rd St01001
