Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects Injuredsort descendingSuspects ArrestedOperations
2254381March 14, 2022TennesseeRipleyCollege St and Maple Ave10000
2258867March 20, 2022MarylandCambridgeClinton St and Park Ln01001
2258607March 18, 2022OhioFremont1212 1/2 Sycamore St10000
2258356March 19, 2022AlabamaHuntsvilleBlue Spring Rd01001
2257972March 18, 2022CaliforniaSanta Rosa616 Mendocino Ave10001
2257958March 19, 2022LouisianaNew Orleans1900 block of N Prieur St01000
2257025March 17, 2022TennesseeNashvilleCharles E Davis Blvd and Lafayette St01004
2256889February 19, 2022GeorgiaCummingN/A01001
2256026March 17, 2022TexasSan Angelo900 block of Crenshaw St10000
2255814March 16, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaTulip St and Allegheny Ave01000
2255322March 16, 2022IllinoisChicagoS Throop St and W 87th St01000
2254521March 15, 2022TexasLubbock3600 block of Lehigh St10001
2254406March 11, 2022MissouriButlerN/A10000
2253196March 12, 2022IllinoisDolton1000 Sibley Blvd10000
2254265March 15, 2022PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia2300 block of 77th Ave01000
2253990March 11, 2022IndianaElkhart (county)N/A01000
2253981March 13, 2022MississippiClarksdale8th St01000
2253936January 30, 2022FloridaVero BeachN/A10000
2253726March 14, 2022IllinoisCrest HillPioneer Rd and Bicentennial Ave01100
2253712March 13, 2022VirginiaCulpeperN Blue Ridge Ave01000
2253707March 14, 2022FloridaWest Palm Beach2000 Pinehurst Dr10001
2253591March 12, 2022IllinoisSpringfield700 block of W Monroe St10000
2253527March 13, 2022VirginiaRichmond6000 block of Glenway Ct01000
2253363March 14, 2022MinnesotaMinneapolis1500 block of Lasalle Ave01001
2253213March 13, 2022PennsylvaniaCoatesville100 block of E Chestnut St01000
