Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident Datesort descendingStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2442162October 20, 2022NevadaLas Vegas1200 block of N Christy Ln10011
2442581October 21, 2022TexasHumble6019 Velma Ln10001
2446746October 21, 2022WisconsinMadison7100 block of McKee Rd10000
2445342October 21, 2022CaliforniaSalinas1500 block of Antelope Dr10010
2442534October 21, 2022North CarolinaFayetteville2000 block of Maitland Dr10001
2444584October 21, 2022WyomingBondurantN/A01000
2443491October 22, 2022GeorgiaAthens100 block of Essex Ct01000
2443708October 22, 2022MinnesotaMinneapolis (Brooklyn Park)8001 109th Ave N01000
2443164October 22, 2022MichiganBay City200 block of S Sherman St01001
2445672October 23, 2022MississippiStarkville135 Sand Rd01000
2444135October 23, 2022New MexicoSanta TeresaPete V Domenici Hwy01000
2443735October 23, 2022OhioCincinnati6120 Roe St10000
2447778October 24, 2022CaliforniaFairfieldN/A01000
2454617October 24, 2022New MexicoLas VegasN/A01000
2444573October 24, 2022TexasHouston5535 Timber Creek Pl10000
2445225October 24, 2022LouisianaMarrero400 block of Avenue L01000
2445309October 24, 2022ArizonaMesaE Southern Ave and Superstition Springs Mall Cir10001
2444759October 24, 2022IllinoisChicago3600 block of S Rhodes Ave10001
2444347October 24, 2022NevadaLas Vegas2300 block of Los Feliz St01000
2445239October 25, 2022AlabamaHuntsville4010 Binderton Pl SW00000
2447097October 26, 2022GeorgiaAtlanta23 Joseph E Lowery Blvd01000
2496805October 26, 2022PennsylvaniaConneaut LakeDeer Creek Rd01001
2446485October 26, 2022IllinoisChicago2600 block of W Potomac Ave10002
2457298October 26, 2022VirginiaManassas7600 block of Monitor Ct01000
2447771October 27, 2022CaliforniaBurlingame200 block of Stanley Rd10000
