Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident Datesort descendingStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2454484November 7, 2022IllinoisChicago2100 block of S Vincennes Ave01000
2455202November 7, 2022TexasLubbock19th St and Ave Y01000
2455499November 7, 2022IndianaEvansville1200 block of Roselawn Cir01000
2455391November 7, 2022North CarolinaFour Oaks113 Brookside Ln01000
2458384November 7, 2022IowaAdel1603 Aspen Dr01000
2456299November 7, 2022IllinoisWaukeganN West St and Washington St01001
2455938November 7, 2022NebraskaLincolnB St and S 23rd St01000
2455163November 7, 2022MississippiCorinthProper St01000
2457515November 8, 2022GeorgiaHaralson (county)N/A10000
2456798November 8, 2022IdahoBancroftIvins Rd and Oregon Trail Rd10000
2456342November 8, 2022GeorgiaAtlanta46 Wall St SW01000
2456887November 9, 2022IllinoisChicago2100 block of S Wood St01000
2456975November 9, 2022District of ColumbiaWashington3400 block of 24th St SE01000
2456473November 9, 2022West VirginiaCharleston (Sissonville)2200 block of Walker Dr01001
2457046November 9, 2022KentuckyCaneyville521 E Maple St01000
2457463November 10, 2022FloridaMiami665 Ives Dairy Rd10000
2459987November 11, 2022IdahoIdaho FallsE 25th St and Woodruff Ave00100
2457688November 11, 2022IndianaSouth Bend1300 block of Vassar Ave10001
2457959November 11, 2022ColoradoDenverW Colfax Ave and Broadway01000
2458023November 11, 2022MichiganGowen14171 16 Mile Rd NE01000
2458773November 12, 2022GeorgiaAtlanta875 Martin Luther King Jr Dr10001
2458339November 12, 2022ArizonaPhoenix44th St and Thunderbird Rd10001
2459957November 13, 2022New HampshireGorhamLarry Brooke Rd01000
2460000November 13, 2022New YorkBuffalo100 block of Kingsley St01000
2465199November 13, 2022AlabamaLynn20945 AL-1301000
