Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident DateStatesort descendingCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2474254December 3, 2022VirginiaCharlottesville800 block of W Main St01000
2306464May 19, 2022WashingtonFederal Way1200 block of South 336th St01000
2421962September 22, 2022WashingtonSeattle (Shoreline)202 NE 185th St01000
2403497August 30, 2022WashingtonOak HarborNW Crosby Ave10001
2382649August 5, 2022WashingtonWalla WallaBlue Creek Rd01000
2374470July 27, 2022WashingtonTacoma (Parkland)98th St S and Ainsworth St S02000
2374465July 29, 2022WashingtonSeattle7400 Sand Point Way NE01000
2370544July 25, 2022WashingtonEllensburgYew St10001
2364172July 6, 2022WashingtonOak HarborJudson Dr01000
2357576July 9, 2022WashingtonMaple Falls7100 block of Mount Baker Hwy01000
2333043June 16, 2022WashingtonSeattle23rd Ave E and E John St01000
2323667June 4, 2022WashingtonBellinghamN/A01000
2313469May 26, 2022WashingtonSpanaway17410 Pacific Ave S10000
2209680January 8, 2022WashingtonSpanaway20300 block of Mountain Hwy E01000
2304396May 16, 2022WashingtonLacrosseN/A00010
2304394May 15, 2022WashingtonPullmanN/A00010
2296058May 6, 2022WashingtonPullman1455 NE Brandi Way10000
2294571May 4, 2022WashingtonSeattle8200 block of Mary Ave NW00011
2278822April 1, 2022WashingtonSedro WoolleyN/A10001
2271762April 5, 2022WashingtonLynnwood19015 64th Ave W10001
2252045March 11, 2022WashingtonSpokane6800 block of S Assembly Rd01000
2234539February 11, 2022WashingtonYakimaN/A01000
2224493February 1, 2022WashingtonEverett10710 Evergreen Way10001
2224425January 8, 2022WashingtonBellingham3750 Meridian St01000
2223433January 29, 2022WashingtonBattle Ground22510 NE 84th Ave10001
