Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident Datesort ascendingStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2210406January 12, 2022OhioToledoJackson St and N 12th St01000
2209185January 11, 2022AlabamaBessemer (Hueytown)1400 block of 26th Ave10000
2209768January 11, 2022IllinoisBlue Island3030 W 127th St03001
2208321January 10, 2022TexasLubbock7007 University Ave01000
2209037January 10, 2022VirginiaSterling20600 block of Smithfield Ct02000
2208081January 10, 2022IndianaMiddlebury54348 Co Rd 4301010
2231948January 10, 2022ConnecticutMeridenW Main St and Colony St01001
2208038January 9, 2022GeorgiaMaconForest Ave01001
2209009January 9, 2022VirginiaAlexandria30 S Reynolds St01003
2208822January 9, 2022FloridaIndiantownSW Arrowroot St01000
2208442January 8, 2022KentuckyWest Liberty261 Callahan Rd10000
2224425January 8, 2022WashingtonBellingham3750 Meridian St01000
2207375January 8, 2022FloridaTallahassee1010 Basin St01000
2209680January 8, 2022WashingtonSpanaway20300 block of Mountain Hwy E01000
2492106January 8, 2022MichiganIsabella (county)N/A01000
2206857January 7, 2022LouisianaNew Orleans6050 Chef Menteur Hwy10001
2206546January 7, 2022MichiganDetroit6500 block of Brush St01001
2206207January 7, 2022FloridaTallahassee809 Railroad Ave02100
2207077January 7, 2022GeorgiaWarrenton715 Ranger Rd01001
2206517January 7, 2022North CarolinaMocksville175 Crabtree Rd10000
2208974January 7, 2022ArizonaTempeW Grove Pkwy10001
2206789January 7, 2022South CarolinaHorry (county)N/A01000
2206486January 6, 2022WisconsinMilwaukee7800 block of N 60th St01001
2205854January 6, 2022GeorgiaAtlanta (Dunwoody)4725 Ashford Dunwoody Rd01000
2206677January 6, 2022ArizonaTempeS Rural Rd and E Warner Rd00000
