Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort descendingVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2166176November 13, 2021District of ColumbiaWashingtonSummer Oak Dr01000
2047796June 27, 2021LouisianaShreveportSummers St01000
1954055March 13, 2021North CarolinaShelbySuttle St and Oakland Dr01000
2080597August 2, 2021OklahomaOklahoma CitySW 13th St and S Agnew Ave01000
1984396April 22, 2021FloridaHomesteadSW 297th Terrace and SW 154th Ct01000
2139898October 11, 2021OklahomaLawtonSW 38th St and SW Lee Blvd01000
2096196August 19, 2021OklahomaOklahoma CitySW 44th St and S Independence Ave01001
2131503October 2, 2021OklahomaOklahoma CitySW 59th St and SW Walker Ave01002
2037273June 16, 2021OregonBeavertonSW Alger Ave and SW 14th St00100
2024806June 3, 2021TennesseeMemphisSweet Springs Dr01000
1992733May 1, 2021GeorgiaSavannahTatem St01000
2121291September 11, 2021AlaskaChickenTaylor Hwy10001
1924171February 8, 2021IdahoIdaho FallsTendoy Dr and Syringa Dr00100
1894949January 4, 2021AlabamaHuntsvilleTimbercrest Dr01000
1920755February 3, 2021PennsylvaniaKingston (Edwardsville)Tobin Ln and Francis St10000
2069171June 16, 2021New YorkBrooklynTompkins Ave and Stockton St02000
2068928July 19, 2021MaineHarmonyTrafton Rd00001
2160901November 6, 2021TexasRieselTX-6 and Broadway St01001
1980523April 13, 2021VirginiaFerrumUnion Church Rd01000
1906039January 17, 2021FloridaMonroe (county)US-101000
2166408November 13, 2021MinnesotaFisherUS-2 and 380th Ave SW01000
2178301November 28, 2021PennsylvaniaColumbiaUS-46 and Willow Ln01000
2075001July 23, 2021NebraskaBeatriceUS-7710000
1897071January 6, 2021MissouriSaint LouisUtah St and Ohio St01000
2139071October 11, 2021ConnecticutBridgeportValley Ave10001
