Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects Injuredsort descendingSuspects ArrestedOperations
2101910August 27, 2021KentuckyOwensboro2280 Tamarack Rd00010
2157402November 1, 2021IndianaGreenwood1251 US Hwy 31 N00010
2154657October 30, 2021IndianaGreenwood1251 US-3100010
2147910October 22, 2021PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia4300 Westminster Ave00010
2147862October 22, 2021TennesseeMemphis5959 Winchester Rd11011
2147186October 17, 2021OhioElyria703 Lake Ave00011
2147169October 20, 2021KentuckyIrvingtonLonnie Haynes Rd10011
2135460October 7, 2021IllinoisMazon200 block of E Grand Ridge Rd01011
2122111September 20, 2021LouisianaShreveport798 W 70th St01010
2116825September 14, 2021South CarolinaMyrtle BeachN/A00011
2113581September 11, 2021AlabamaCaleraI-6500011
2109057September 5, 2021FloridaDunedin1000 Block of Michigan Blvd00011
2102186August 26, 2021TexasMcallen3000 block of US-83 BUS00010
2070520July 20, 2021CaliforniaSan BernardinoW 16th St and N E St00011
2101000August 26, 2021KentuckyLouisville3340 Bardstown Rd00010
2100729August 23, 2021New YorkNew York (Manhattan)136th St and Seventh Ave00010
2097031August 22, 2021IndianaIndianapolis6500 block of Knobstone Way01010
2094498August 18, 2021MissouriSaint Louis9100 block of Jordan St01010
2091576August 14, 2021IndianaEvansville2021 N Fares Ave00011
2090551August 13, 2021New JerseyNewark60 Pulaski St03010
2080568August 1, 2021IllinoisChicago4800 block of W Nelson St01011
2076848July 27, 2021WisconsinBurlington35400 block of Ridge Rd00010
2076782July 24, 2021New YorkWatervliet2400 2nd Ave00011
2074264July 24, 2021CaliforniaAntioch418 E 18th St02010
2073676July 25, 2021ArizonaPhoenix2140 W Thunderbird Rd20112
