Unintentional Shootings

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2347284July 1, 2022KentuckyShepherdsville1707 Raymond Rd01000
2285309April 21, 2022AlabamaSheffield2812 E 12th Ave10001
2233680February 9, 2022TennesseeSevierville3700 block of Wears Valley Rd01000
2428979October 2, 2022TennesseeSevierville1548 Parkway00011
2489161December 2, 2022AlabamaSelma1500 block of Highland Ave10000
2278822April 1, 2022WashingtonSedro WoolleyN/A10001
2366802July 22, 2022MissouriSedalia1600 block of W 9th St01001
2421962September 22, 2022WashingtonSeattle (Shoreline)202 NE 185th St01000
2333043June 16, 2022WashingtonSeattle23rd Ave E and E John St01000
2294571May 4, 2022WashingtonSeattle8200 block of Mary Ave NW00011
2490067December 28, 2022WashingtonSeattle11000 block of Lake City Way NE00010
2434966October 9, 2022WashingtonSeattle4800 block of Erskine Way SW01000
2374465July 29, 2022WashingtonSeattle7400 Sand Point Way NE01000
2286385April 24, 2022South CarolinaScranton396 S Glendale School Rd10002
2360753July 15, 2022GeorgiaSavannah500 block of Kline St01000
2436459October 6, 2022GeorgiaSavannah525 Leonard Neal St10000
2352156July 4, 2022GeorgiaSavannahDutchtown Rd01000
2417176September 17, 2022OklahomaSavanna8675 US-6903000
2492053November 19, 2022WisconsinSauk (county)N/A01000
2492082November 26, 2022WisconsinSauk (county)N/A01000
2319294May 30, 2022FloridaSarasotaAvenida Messina01000
2706417July 23, 2022MichiganSaranacMorrison Lake Rd01001
2444135October 23, 2022New MexicoSanta TeresaPete V Domenici Hwy01000
2226196February 2, 2022CaliforniaSanta Rosa700 block of Fresno Ave01000
2257972March 18, 2022CaliforniaSanta Rosa616 Mendocino Ave10001
