Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident Datesort descendingStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1338695March 1, 2019OhioDayton1200 block of Huffman Ave00010
1338308March 1, 2019FloridaNaples16th Ave SW and 23rd St SW00100
1338632March 1, 2019ArkansasAlma1400 block of Sunnyside Rd00100
1337941March 1, 2019TexasIrving1900 block of Senter Rd01010
1338534March 1, 2019OhioMansfield1293 Hickory Lane00010
1340270March 2, 2019FloridaBartow4660 US-1700100
1338731March 2, 2019OklahomaLawton900 block of SW 25th St00100
1339927March 2, 2019New MexicoLos LunasCanada Rd00000
1339028March 3, 2019OhioCleveland3101 W 73rd St00000
1339053March 3, 2019ArkansasBlytheville400 block of Summit St00110
1340700March 4, 2019TexasCorpus Christi5900 block of Weber Rd00010
1339709March 4, 2019ArizonaPrescott600 block of La Paloma Ln00010
1339787March 4, 2019MississippiJackson3800 block of W Capitol St00010
1341436March 5, 2019TexasDayton2100 block of FM 279700010
1416365March 5, 2019GeorgiaMariettaWindy Hill Road00002
1340335March 5, 2019TexasMidland3306 Eagle Cove10000
1367158March 5, 2019TennesseeMemphis1427 N Hollywood St00001
1340259March 5, 2019FloridaHallandale (Hallandale Beach)Foster Rd and NW 6th Ave01011
1341928March 5, 2019MichiganCaroFrankenmuth Rd00001
1343141March 6, 2019CaliforniaSugarloaf700 block of Leonard Ave00100
1343200March 6, 2019MarylandFrederick7100 block of Linganore Rd00010
1341338March 6, 2019TexasHouston8715 Martin Luther King Blvd00111
1345643March 7, 2019New MexicoAlbuquerque1699 Rio Bravo Blvd SW00011
1341612March 7, 2019KentuckyLouisville2800 block of Smilax Ave00010
1342707March 7, 2019MissouriSaint Louis3140 Olive St00000
