Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects Injuredsort descendingSuspects ArrestedOperations
3131188February 3, 2025AlabamaBirmingham1500 block of 52nd St Ensley10011
3131467February 2, 2025TexasSan Antonio4400 block of Wrangler Run01011
3131676February 4, 2025OhioYoungstown (Boardman)100 block of Shields Rd00010
3134245February 6, 2025North CarolinaLincolnton627 N Aspen St00012
3135466February 9, 2025VirginiaRoanoke2200 block of Orange Ave NW03010
3136218February 10, 2025FloridaPensacola101 E Main St00011
3132100February 4, 2025PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia5900 block of Windsor St00022
