Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStatesort descendingCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1384256April 30, 2019FloridaSaint Petersburg27th Ave N and 28th St00011
1405382May 12, 2019FloridaLake WalesN/A01012
1405347May 26, 2019FloridaFort Lauderdale101 SW Fifth Ave03100
1405336April 26, 2019FloridaPalm Beach Gardens (Riviera Beach)2924 Ave S01001
1405023May 25, 2019FloridaFort Mccoy14000 block of Northeast 147th Place00100
1404612May 24, 2019FloridaJacksonville7000 block of N Dover Rd00101
1401894May 22, 2019FloridaSarasota5737 Clark Rd00031
1397908May 17, 2019FloridaHialeah5484 W 16th Ave00010
1395053May 14, 2019FloridaTallahassee2300 block of Wabash Trail00001
1394457April 9, 2019FloridaTallahassee1300 block of Mahan Dr00011
1388989May 1, 2019FloridaFort Walton BeachFairview Dr00000
1388726May 4, 2019FloridaDeltona600 block of Deltona Blvd00001
1385979May 3, 2019FloridaAltamonte SpringsVirginia Ave00002
1363112April 3, 2019FloridaNokomis100 block of E Marland Ct00011
1384207April 30, 2019FloridaMidwayBlair Cir00100
1383414April 30, 2019FloridaBradenton47th Ave Dr W and 20th St W00001
1379196April 24, 2019FloridaTampa (Town N Country)7000 block of Lawnview Ct00010
1377686April 20, 2019FloridaLake Worth (Lantana)Loquat Tree Dr00010
1377189April 20, 2019FloridaParrishBuckeye Rd00100
1376693April 20, 2019FloridaOcalaNW 20th Ave and NW 12th St00100
1375016April 17, 2019FloridaJacksonville5100 Sunbeam Rd00010
1373740April 16, 2019FloridaSpringfield1300 block of Pinnacle Pines Rd00100
1370120April 5, 2019FloridaTallahassee4200 block of Crawfordville Rd00011
1370105April 9, 2019FloridaDeland1200 block of S Delaware Ave00001
1365547April 7, 2019FloridaLargo11988 Walsingham Rd00010
