Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort descendingVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
831529April 27, 2017VirginiaNewport News12500 Warwick Blvd00000
889416July 12, 2017TennesseeMemphis1252 E McLemore Ave10010
983197November 6, 2017GeorgiaMilledgeville126 Central Ave01103
932062September 12, 2017PennsylvaniaTyrone126 Cranberry St00001
880916July 1, 2017MarylandBrandywine12600 block of Lusbys Ln01100
913195August 14, 2017TexasHouston12640 Briar Forest Dr01000
809120March 30, 2017CaliforniaDesert Hot Springs12660 Palm Dr00010
843433May 14, 2017TennesseeMemphis1277 E Shelby Dr11001
790176March 8, 2017MaineRichmond128 Post Rd00010
874194June 22, 2017FloridaFellsmere12800 block of CR 51200001
869846June 16, 2017FloridaArcher12880 SW 169th Dr01001
833263April 29, 2017FloridaMiramar Beach12889 US-9800000
757090January 22, 2017PennsylvaniaLarimer129 Finley St10001
1014075December 24, 2017OklahomaTulsa12900 block of E 11th St01000
921016August 14, 2017FloridaKey West12th St00000
748894January 12, 2017FloridaFort Pierce12th St and Ave E00013
964623October 20, 2017PennsylvaniaOlyphant13 Lake Chapman Rd01001
758236January 22, 2017TennesseeNashville1300 block of 14th Avenue S01000
904269August 1, 2017CaliforniaEureka1300 block of 5th St00100
787507March 4, 2017TennesseeMemphis1300 block of E Barron Circle10011
763862January 29, 2017OregonSalem1300 Block of Lancaster Dr NE00110
770001February 8, 2017OklahomaTulsa1300 block of N Irvington Ave00011
981832November 3, 2017AlaskaAnchorage1300 block of Nunaka Dr00001
945823September 26, 2017TexasKilleen1300 block of South 2nd St00000
959483October 15, 2017OregonMcminnville1300 block of SW Gilorr St00011
