Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort descendingVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1527656September 9, 2019OregonSisters1659 W Carson Ave00001
1392189May 10, 2019AlabamaHuntsville1660 Old Monrovia Rd NW00011
1441374July 7, 2019TexasHouston16600 block of Royal Mile Ln and Tain Dr00010
1482217August 18, 2019MichiganDetroit16600 block of Stansbury Ave01100
1574702December 17, 2019CaliforniaEureka1662 Myrtle Ave00000
1540438November 1, 2019CaliforniaVictorville16980 Nisqualli Rd00100
1345643March 7, 2019New MexicoAlbuquerque1699 Rio Bravo Blvd SW00011
1338308March 1, 2019FloridaNaples16th Ave SW and 23rd St SW00100
1569893December 11, 2019LouisianaAlexandria16th St and Holly St00011
1410265May 30, 2019FloridaLargo16th St NW and Melhanbacker Rd00010
1562536December 1, 2019TexasSan Antonio1700 block of Austin Hwy00011
1521753October 6, 2019TexasBeaumont1700 block of Burton St00010
1498964September 6, 2019IndianaSouth Bend1700 block of E Calvert St00110
1564159December 3, 2019AlabamaPhenix City1700 block of Knowles Rd00200
1360477March 31, 2019IndianaSouth Bend1700 block of N Kaley St01001
1451495July 18, 2019MississippiJackson1700 block of Shady Lane Dr10011
1497309September 4, 2019UtahSalt Lake City1700 South and 1800 West00000
1359256March 30, 2019ArizonaPhoenix1700 W Brown St00110
1393029May 9, 2019CaliforniaHesperia17000 block of Adobe St00200
1475541August 10, 2019MichiganDetroit17000 block of Harper Ave02002
1425737June 16, 2019MaineBangor1702 Union St01011
1385208May 1, 2019AlabamaBirmingham1705 52nd St00100
1580764December 26, 2019IllinoisLansing17060 Torrence Ave00001
1608609December 26, 2019MichiganLansing17060 Torrence Ave00000
1486344August 13, 2019IllinoisBloomington1708 Springfield Rd02001
