Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims Injuredsort descendingSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1332417February 21, 2019UtahLayton300 block of W Park Ave00100
1336107February 27, 2019TennesseeMemphis4879 American Way00002
1335969February 26, 2019IndianaIndianapolisE 64th St and Central Ave00100
1334735February 24, 2019VirginiaRoanoke2607 Cove Rd NW00100
1334468February 24, 2019VirginiaRoanoke (Hollins)6000 block of Carefree Lane00100
1334441February 24, 2019TexasCorpus Christi5800 block of Bonner Dr00101
1334422February 24, 2019TennesseeBulls GapSpice Cove00010
1334404February 23, 2019ArizonaCasa Grande900 block of N Colorado St00100
1334247February 23, 2019AlabamaColumbiana3700 block of Co Rd 7710011
1333710February 23, 2019KentuckyLouisville4811 Outer Loop00100
1332987February 22, 2019FloridaJacksonvilleW 16th St and Myrtle Ave N10011
1332866February 19, 2019CaliforniaTrinidad700 block of Edwards St00000
1332492February 19, 2019MarylandHagerstown600 block of George St00001
1329589February 16, 2019South CarolinaConway3505 Hwy 544 OPAS00001
1332330February 21, 2019GeorgiaPendergrass7200 block of Holly Springs Rd00001
1331353February 20, 2019TexasAlvin700 block of Lilley Rd00010
1331298February 19, 2019MississippiHorn Lake4028 Goodman Rd W00100
1331266February 20, 2019KentuckyLouisvilleStana Dr00010
1330868February 18, 2019TexasHouston1401 Redford St10014
1330743February 18, 2019OregonDurkeeVandecar Rd00002
1330628February 19, 2019MissouriSaint Louis4333 Butler Hill Rd00000
1330285February 18, 2019FloridaCape Coral2033 NW 4th St00002
1330122February 16, 2019TexasAbilene2500 block of S 28th St00001
1329828February 17, 2019MissouriSaint Louis2916 Gravois Ave00000
1329737February 17, 2019OhioConesville14000 block of OH 1600011
