Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident Datesort descendingStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1239624October 21, 2018TennesseeRicevilleCo Rd 67500012
1237977October 21, 2018MissouriSaint Louis2100 block of Penfield Ave10100
1239628October 21, 2018HawaiiHonolulu339 Royal Hawaiian Ave00000
1239642October 22, 2018TennesseeWoodlawn4830 St Paul Rd00003
1238617October 22, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington5151 Wisconsin Ave NW00011
1240563October 22, 2018GeorgiaLithonia3001 Panola Rd12001
1241095October 22, 2018MississippiNatchezMorgantown Rd00000
1239724October 23, 2018VirginiaPetersburg900 Winfield Rd01010
1239499October 23, 2018PennsylvaniaLancaster536 W Lemon St00013
1239744October 23, 2018West VirginiaBarboursville5217 Heath Creek Rd00100
1240493October 23, 2018FloridaPort Charlotte19100 Murdock Cir00001
1241106October 24, 2018FloridaGotha3500 block of Furlong Way00011
1241197October 24, 2018New MexicoAlbuquerque4500 block of Comanche Rd NE00001
1240211October 24, 2018KentuckyLouisville9080 Taylorsville Road20001
1242677October 24, 2018MarylandNew Windsor100 block of Main St00001
1241319October 24, 2018OregonGrants Pass4000 block of Foothill Blvd00100
1358201October 24, 2018GeorgiaWhitesburgGA-1600100
1240361October 24, 2018IndianaIndianapolis2400 block of Harlan St01000
1241268October 25, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia7361 N 19th St00010
1241084October 25, 2018New MexicoRuidoso239 Country Club Dr01100
1241112October 25, 2018CaliforniaFairfield701 E Travis Blvd00100
1242533October 26, 2018OklahomaAda (Byng)High School Blvd and S Main St10001
1242446October 26, 2018MarylandRiverdale5718 Eastpine Dr10100
1241501October 26, 2018New YorkNew York (Manhattan)33 E 60th St00013
1242958October 26, 2018MississippiSmithdale6688 Hwy 569 N01000
