Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident Datesort descendingStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1242958October 26, 2018MississippiSmithdale6688 Hwy 569 N01000
1247568October 27, 2018AlabamaMarion Junction2770 County Road 18800100
1242315October 27, 2018NevadaLas Vegas3400 block of N Nellis Blvd00100
1242953October 27, 2018NebraskaHebron600 block of Jefferson Ave11001
1242971October 27, 2018AlabamaBirmingham732 Lomb Ave02100
1242855October 27, 2018CaliforniaLong Beach (North Long Beach)200 block of Orleans Way00000
1242162October 27, 2018North CarolinaHendersonvilleHS Dalton Rd01012
1244277October 28, 2018OklahomaCaleraN/A00002
1243148October 28, 2018NevadaLas Vegas8100 block of W Charleston Blvd10000
1243226October 29, 2018MissouriSaint Louis3100 block of Lackland Ave10012
1243988October 29, 2018GeorgiaDallas8400 block of Dallas Acworth Hwy01001
1244090October 29, 2018North CarolinaFayetteville277 Bonanza Dr00011
1243777October 29, 2018IdahoPost Falls900 block of S Spokane St00100
1245159October 30, 2018TexasAbilene3400 block of S Clack St00001
1244506October 30, 2018OhioClevelandE 78th St and Broadway Ave01101
1244317October 30, 2018CaliforniaSan Diego5800 block of Mariposa Pl00010
1244851October 31, 2018FloridaLehigh AcresN/A00010
1246657November 1, 2018ConnecticutNew LondonBoulder Dr and Jefferson Ave00000
1246006November 1, 2018NevadaNorth Las Vegas6700 block of Courtney Michelle St10103
1246221November 1, 2018IllinoisChicago300 block of W Huron St00001
1245321November 1, 2018PennsylvaniaPittsburgh (Mount Oliver)100 block of Sherman Ave00100
1245990November 1, 2018South CarolinaCenterville116 Norfolk Cir00011
1246934November 2, 2018TexasGarland500 block of Cedar Dr10000
1246675November 2, 2018OregonCave Junction162 Ken Rose Ln00100
1247737November 2, 2018WashingtonSeattle305 Harrison St00001
