Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort descendingOperations
1241106October 24, 2018FloridaGotha3500 block of Furlong Way00011
1247275November 4, 2018KentuckyLouisville3212 S Crums Ln00111
1246221November 1, 2018IllinoisChicago300 block of W Huron St00001
1245990November 1, 2018South CarolinaCenterville116 Norfolk Cir00011
1245159October 30, 2018TexasAbilene3400 block of S Clack St00001
1245072August 5, 2018MaineBangorMerrimac St00001
1244506October 30, 2018OhioClevelandE 78th St and Broadway Ave01101
1244090October 29, 2018North CarolinaFayetteville277 Bonanza Dr00011
1243988October 29, 2018GeorgiaDallas8400 block of Dallas Acworth Hwy01001
1242953October 27, 2018NebraskaHebron600 block of Jefferson Ave11001
1242677October 24, 2018MarylandNew Windsor100 block of Main St00001
1242533October 26, 2018OklahomaAda (Byng)High School Blvd and S Main St10001
1241197October 24, 2018New MexicoAlbuquerque4500 block of Comanche Rd NE00001
1234584October 16, 2018FloridaLake Worth2500 block of 10th Ave00011
1240563October 22, 2018GeorgiaLithonia3001 Panola Rd12001
1240493October 23, 2018FloridaPort Charlotte19100 Murdock Cir00001
1240211October 24, 2018KentuckyLouisville9080 Taylorsville Road20001
1239055October 19, 2018North CarolinaAsheboro1553 N Fayetteville St00001
1238617October 22, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington5151 Wisconsin Ave NW00011
1237268October 18, 2018IllinoisChicago8700 block of S Euclid Ave00011
1236936October 19, 2018MassachusettsBoston825 Morton St01011
1236696October 18, 2018ConnecticutBloomfield20 Mitchell Dr00001
1236507October 18, 2018PennsylvaniaEaston2100 block of Freemansburg Ave00001
1236146October 18, 2018New YorkNiagara Falls3000 block of Falls St01001
1235804October 18, 2018LouisianaNew Orleans6600 Franklin Ave01001
