Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStatesort descendingCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1197270August 25, 2018TexasHouston2100 block of Lake Hills Dr00011
1211477September 14, 2018TexasElgin12600 block of Waynespur Ln00100
1210400September 10, 2018TexasGalveston5400 block of Ave Q00001
1209120September 12, 2018TexasDallasTI Blvd and Markville Dr00010
1208936September 11, 2018TexasWaco1800 Primrose Dr00010
1207576September 9, 2018TexasBeaumont6855 College St00000
1207262September 9, 2018TexasGarland3700 block of Hawaii Dr00100
1202896July 4, 2018TexasLa Marque500 block of Fieldhaven Dr00021
1201629August 30, 2018TexasAustin4600 block of Loyola Ln00001
1199503August 26, 2018TexasSugar Land2800 block of Great Lakes Ave00010
1199319August 29, 2018TexasFresno4100 block of Emerald St00010
1197959August 27, 2018TexasDallasKleberg Rd00011
1197307August 23, 2018TexasAustinN/A00001
1173680July 27, 2018TexasHouston11479 N Fwy00100
1195934August 25, 2018TexasAbilene2800 S 25th St00100
1193628August 22, 2018TexasPorter24232 TX-494 Loop00011
1191039August 19, 2018TexasLewisville1531 TX-12100011
1189551August 17, 2018TexasYoakum867 Bootlegger Lane00100
1188822August 16, 2018TexasDallas3500 block of E Overton Rd00100
1184005August 9, 2018TexasFort Worth1000 block of Barclay Ave00000
1182264August 7, 2018TexasDallas1676 Regal Row01100
1181839August 7, 2018TexasHouston6622 Cherrydale Dr00011
1181012August 2, 2018TexasLittlefield900 block of W 4th St00001
1178520August 2, 2018TexasSan Antonio9100 block of Bridlewood Ln02010
1174517July 28, 2018TexasHouston6890 Monroe Blvd00100
