Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims Killedsort descendingVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1294596April 11, 2018TennesseeMemphis8100 block of Portree Drive00013
1302689May 8, 2018MissouriUnion300 block of CC Camp Road00000
1302654May 14, 2018MissouriMarstonN/A00010
1302634May 14, 2018MissouriSaint LouisN/A00000
1301563May 20, 2018FloridaVero Beach4400 block of 26th Ave00001
1301490May 23, 2018FloridaPalm Bay1500 block of Hayworth Circle NW00001
1300872December 31, 2018WisconsinMilwaukeeW Mitchell St and S 23rd St00001
1300784May 22, 2018TexasDallas7037 Lake June Road00010
1300064January 25, 2018Rhode IslandJamestownWhittier Rd00001
1299326March 27, 2018MichiganReading1200 block of Burlew Rd00010
1299275March 10, 2018IllinoisEast Saint LouisN/A00011
1299215March 29, 2018VirginiaRoanoke100 block of Campbell Avenue Southwest00000
1299023April 4, 2018South CarolinaWalhallaN Laurel St00001
1289235December 31, 2018AlabamaHuntsville3208 Long Ave SW00010
1294505April 18, 2018NevadaLas Vegas251 N Nellis Blvd00000
1293587December 4, 2018LouisianaBaton Rouge12220 Old Hammond Hwy00100
1293382December 30, 2018IllinoisKankakee700 block of N 5th Ave00000
1292851December 29, 2018North CarolinaRocky Mount700 block of Cascade Ave00000
1292006December 26, 2018MichiganFlint1700 block of Cronk Ave00001
1290480December 30, 2018New MexicoRanchos De TaosCamino de Corazon00010
1290183December 31, 2018West VirginiaCharlestonN/A00001
1289736December 29, 2018OhioDayton400 block of Harriet St00000
1289659December 31, 2018IllinoisChicago2900 block of W Cortland St00020
1289458December 31, 2018New HampshirePortsmouth697 Islington St00001
1289279December 31, 2018AlabamaBirmingham3205 Birmingport Rd01100
