Defensive Use

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1190646August 18, 2018GeorgiaAtlanta5900 Suffex Green Ln NW00013
1348063September 18, 2018GeorgiaAtlantaThurmond Street01010
1276866December 13, 2018GeorgiaAtlanta200 Block of 18th St00100
1252646November 10, 2018GeorgiaAtlanta102 Ollie St NW00100
1232491October 14, 2018GeorgiaAtlantaDonnebrook Ln SE02100
1214767September 21, 2018GeorgiaAtlantaLee St and Oak St00000
1205866September 8, 2018GeorgiaAtlanta100 block of Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard02011
1201277September 1, 2018GeorgiaAtlanta100 block of John Wesley Dobbs Ave01020
1174453July 29, 2018GeorgiaAtlanta1000 block of Northside Dr NW01000
1167243July 18, 2018GeorgiaAtlantaMontilly Pl00010
1128990May 29, 2018GeorgiaAtlanta1723 Lakewood Ave SE00010
1159225July 8, 2018AlabamaAthens16259 Oneal Rd00001
1119877May 13, 2018GeorgiaAthensBeaverdam Rd00001
1220363September 25, 2018TexasAthensCo Rd 140800000
1083022April 1, 2018TennesseeAthens115 Liberty Branch Ln01000
1247757November 5, 2018GeorgiaAthensPonderosa Dr02100
1239055October 19, 2018North CarolinaAsheboro1553 N Fayetteville St00001
1071352March 16, 2018VirginiaAshburn20575 Easthampton Plaza00001
1075750March 22, 2018MissouriArnold520 Jeffco Blvd00100
1137173June 4, 2018TennesseeArlingtonN/A00001
1029479January 17, 2018MontanaArleeSanders St00100
1272724February 3, 2018CaliforniaApple Valley8000 block of Joshua Street00001
1174251July 28, 2018ArizonaApache Junction3399 S Tomahawk Rd00102
1204986September 1, 2018ColoradoAntonito201 Main St00100
1031456January 20, 2018TennesseeAntioch719 Cedar Pointe Pkwy00010
