Defensive Use

Incident IDsort ascendingIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1328538August 6, 2018CaliforniaCoolIndian Rock Rd00010
1327978August 14, 2018TexasHoustonFulton St and Veenstra St00010
1327768August 22, 2018TexasFort Worth3500 block of College Avenue00001
1325086July 13, 2018IllinoisChicago3968 W Belmont Ave00000
1325040July 9, 2018CaliforniaJanesvilleHicks Road00100
1317042July 6, 2018OhioMiddletown1300 block of Woodlawn Ave00000
1316659June 13, 2018NevadaLas Vegas2800 block of Hermosa St00100
1313641January 25, 2018ArkansasWest MemphisN/A10011
1312677June 12, 2018KentuckyLondonPleasure View Rd00000
1312589June 11, 2018TexasOrange4040 I-1000100
1307821June 20, 2018AlabamaEnterprise100 Block of Loftin St00000
1307808June 20, 2018TexasDallas11500 block of Leisure Lane00100
1302689May 8, 2018MissouriUnion300 block of CC Camp Road00000
1302654May 14, 2018MissouriMarstonN/A00010
1302634May 14, 2018MissouriSaint LouisN/A00000
1301563May 20, 2018FloridaVero Beach4400 block of 26th Ave00001
1301490May 23, 2018FloridaPalm Bay1500 block of Hayworth Circle NW00001
1300872December 31, 2018WisconsinMilwaukeeW Mitchell St and S 23rd St00001
1300784May 22, 2018TexasDallas7037 Lake June Road00010
1300064January 25, 2018Rhode IslandJamestownWhittier Rd00001
1299326March 27, 2018MichiganReading1200 block of Burlew Rd00010
1299275March 10, 2018IllinoisEast Saint LouisN/A00011
1299215March 29, 2018VirginiaRoanoke100 block of Campbell Avenue Southwest00000
1299023April 4, 2018South CarolinaWalhallaN Laurel St00001
1294596April 11, 2018TennesseeMemphis8100 block of Portree Drive00013
