Home Invasions

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort descendingVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1129900May 31, 2018FloridaThonotosassa12966 Morris Rd11000
1026638January 12, 2018MissouriBlue Springs130 NW Vesper St10002
1053276February 3, 2018GeorgiaBlakely130 Woodlawn Dr.00100
1059315February 26, 2018MontanaGreat Falls1300 block of 7th Ave N00001
1160301July 9, 2018TexasAmarillo1300 block of Bell St00000
1184947August 11, 2018OhioAkron1300 block of Carey Ave10100
1241557October 26, 2018CaliforniaModesto1300 block of Conrad Way01000
1248728November 4, 2018MissouriSaint Louis1300 block of Coolidge Dr00103
1198041August 27, 2018OhioAkron1300 block of Dewitt Dr00000
1039954January 31, 2018FloridaLake Worth (Lantana)1300 block of Gateway Dr00000
1061831March 3, 2018PennsylvaniaBlairsville1300 block of Hill Rd00100
1244460October 30, 2018IowaDes Moines1300 block of Hutton St01000
1180555August 5, 2018IllinoisNaperville1300 block of Modaff Rd00000
1260928November 22, 2018OklahomaBroken Arrow1300 block of N 31st St00016
1108536May 5, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1300 block of Poplar St00010
1139552June 7, 2018CaliforniaSalinas1300 block of Rhode Island St01001
1091356April 13, 2018KansasWichita1300 block of W Dora St00004
1046496February 2, 2018NevadaCarson City1300 block of W Washington St00001
1251551November 4, 2018North CarolinaGreenville1300 block of Westpointe Dr00001
1030845January 17, 2018MichiganBenton Harbor1300 Block of Whispering Trail00000
1266123November 21, 2018New MexicoLas Cruces1300 block of Wolf Tr00001
1317042July 6, 2018OhioMiddletown1300 block of Woodlawn Ave00000
1030984January 19, 2018IllinoisChampaign1300 W Bradley Ave01000
1263072November 25, 2018FloridaWindermere13000 Beckman Dr00000
1078439March 26, 2018OklahomaTulsa13000 block of E 30th St00010
