Home Invasions

Incident IDIncident DateStatesort descendingCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1136787June 9, 2018FloridaPensacola3200 block of W Cervantes St01001
1163971July 14, 2018FloridaSanford703 W 1st St01002
1158540July 6, 2018FloridaJacksonville14328 Tiki Ln00001
1157154July 5, 2018FloridaEustis406 N Center St00100
1148612June 24, 2018FloridaSaint Petersburg4150 11th Avenue South02100
1147765June 22, 2018FloridaVero Beach1400 block of 20th Ave SW01000
1147141May 10, 2018FloridaGainesvilleN/A00001
1147107June 21, 2018FloridaPensacola100 block of N K St00001
1145730June 20, 2018FloridaLeesburg33000 block of Melrose Ave00012
1144329June 16, 2018FloridaLehigh AcresBeck St00000
1144321June 19, 2018FloridaCocoa150 Peachtree St10103
1143030June 17, 2018FloridaWinter SpringsKeith Ct00002
1138983June 11, 2018FloridaOviedo2027 Westbourne Dr00100
1114934May 12, 2018FloridaAltamonte Springs26 Rose Petal Pl00002
1133316June 3, 2018FloridaVero Beach4700 block of 35th Ave00002
1129900May 31, 2018FloridaThonotosassa12966 Morris Rd11000
1128722May 27, 2018FloridaDeltonaChippendale St00001
1128537May 26, 2018FloridaCrestview4100 block of Painter Branch Rd10001
1126314May 27, 2018FloridaNorth Miami Beach2100 block of NE 182nd St01000
1125204May 25, 2018FloridaOrlando480 N Orange Ave00101
1124741May 22, 2018FloridaTallahassee100 block of Lawndale Rd00000
1124730May 23, 2018FloridaNaples8000 block of Dilip Ln00004
1121136May 20, 2018FloridaOcala4500 block of SE 14th St00010
1118282May 16, 2018FloridaNaples8650 Weir Rd00004
1115966May 14, 2018FloridaTavaresRosewood Ln01000
