Home Invasions

Incident IDsort ascendingIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1037396January 27, 2018KentuckyLexington209 Old Todds Road00000
1037194January 26, 2018CaliforniaCloverdaleN Jefferson St00000
1037093January 26, 2018IllinoisRockford2900 Park Terrace Dr00001
1037082January 22, 2018GeorgiaLula5900 Block of Chattahoochee St01002
1037079January 26, 2018VirginiaLynchburg404 Polk St00000
1037077January 26, 2018TexasSabine Pass7500 block of S Fourth Ave10001
1037029January 26, 2018KentuckyLexingtonElm Tree Ln00001
1036589January 24, 2018North CarolinaAsheboro1141 Ingram Dr00010
1036533January 26, 2018TennesseeShelbyvilleForest Ave00001
1036407January 24, 2018CaliforniaPiedmontLorita Ave00003
1036390January 25, 2018CaliforniaPacifica300 block of Firecrest Ave01000
1036375January 26, 2018South CarolinaLorisBarts Rd01000
1036366January 25, 2018WisconsinMonroe5400 block of County Hwy Dr00000
1036329January 24, 2018IndianaSouth Bend2800 block of S Michigan St00000
1036323January 24, 2018MassachusettsFall RiverKellogg St00001
1036180January 9, 2018DelawareNewark50 block of North St00002
1036106January 24, 2018New YorkHorseheads224 Overlook Dr00013
1036049January 26, 2018TexasAustin4500 block of Ave G00100
1035997January 25, 2018GeorgiaChickamauga217 Wallaceville School Rd01000
1035953January 25, 2018TexasHouston7300 block of Elbert St10003
1035786January 17, 2018CaliforniaFremont43300 block of Montrose Ave00000
1035756January 24, 2018CaliforniaSan Jose10000 block of Meadow Ln00004
1035720January 24, 2018OregonPowers500 Block of Second St00001
1035633January 25, 2018OhioCincinnati5300 block of Ponderosa Dr01000
1035302January 25, 2018LouisianaLake Charles603 Madeline St00100
