Home Invasions

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort descendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1227907October 7, 2018LouisianaShreveport3000 block of Marquette Ave00101
1084609March 31, 2018MississippiShubutaMS 51000002
1029308January 10, 2018CaliforniaSimi Valley3200 block of Calusa Ave01000
1040099January 31, 2018South DakotaSioux Falls5300 block of W 56th St01000
1155672July 2, 2018South DakotaSioux Falls2900 block of S Western Ave00000
1021686January 3, 2018South DakotaSioux Falls52nd St and Chicago Ave00001
1265825January 2, 2018MichiganSix LakesDeaner Rd and Miles Rd00000
1067396March 7, 2018MaineSkowhegan10 Weston St00001
1277679December 13, 2018LouisianaSlidell951 Gause Blvd00001
1258988November 18, 2018PennsylvaniaSlippery RockHines Rd00011
1267758August 4, 2018DelawareSmyrna300 block of Southern View Dr00003
1266285November 28, 2018CaliforniaSnelling7000 block of Merced Falls Rd01023
1177745August 2, 2018GeorgiaSnellville3500 block of Grand Manor Trail SW10001
1187841July 29, 2018GeorgiaSnellville4000 block of Moonbeam Way00001
1244118October 26, 2018WashingtonSnohomish19100 block of Yew Way00000
1177773August 2, 2018IndianaSouth Bend400 block of S Kenmore St00001
1173282July 27, 2018IndianaSouth Bend18011 Cleveland Rd00100
1171015July 23, 2018IndianaSouth BendN Illinois St00012
1089479April 10, 2018IndianaSouth Bend700 block of S Albert Ave00000
1036329January 24, 2018IndianaSouth Bend2800 block of S Michigan St00000
1084362April 4, 2018MinnesotaSouth Saint Paul200 block of Spruce St E00000
1155433July 2, 2018OhioSouth WebsterSkull Hollow Rd00000
1467709September 20, 2018MassachusettsSouthbridgeChestnut St00001
1234352October 15, 2018MassachusettsSouthwick156 Vining Hills Rd01000
1206597September 7, 2018WashingtonSpanaway17200 block of 11th Ave Ct E00000
