Home Invasions

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort descendingOperations
1152273June 28, 2018TexasHouston6500 block of Desoto Dr00002
1165596July 13, 2018WashingtonPasco700 block of Agate St00002
1163971July 14, 2018FloridaSanford703 W 1st St01002
1163300July 12, 2018MichiganDowagiac400 block of N Front St00002
1160782July 8, 2018New YorkHyde ParkWillow Cross Rd01012
1160122July 1, 2018MississippiMeridian45th Ave01002
1158438January 24, 2018ConnecticutMoosup84 Lake St00002
1158222July 6, 2018MassachusettsNorthboroughMilk Porridge Cir00002
1157871July 6, 2018VirginiaNarrows2700 block of Wolf Creek Rd00002
1156154July 4, 2018New YorkRochesterRidgeway Ave and Lake Ave00002
1155493June 9, 2018WisconsinKenosha4400 block of 89th St00002
1154767July 2, 2018GeorgiaMarietta700 Walnut Cir SW00002
1153025June 23, 2018AlabamaHarpersville4800 block of US-23101002
1135468May 30, 2018GeorgiaGainesvilleNewton St00002
1149747June 25, 2018Rhode IslandProvidenceHanover St00002
1146664June 21, 2018CaliforniaSan JoseMisty Glen Court10002
1145730June 20, 2018FloridaLeesburg33000 block of Melrose Ave00012
1143919June 16, 2018VirginiaPrince George3400 block of Prince George Dr00002
1143030June 17, 2018FloridaWinter SpringsKeith Ct00002
1142751June 16, 2018TennesseeMemphis4100 block of Leweir St00012
1141576June 12, 2018GeorgiaMariettaVentnor Pl SW00002
1137241June 8, 2018MassachusettsPalmer4009 Pine St00002
1136100June 3, 2018ArizonaCornville2600 block of S Greaves Place00002
1136059June 3, 2018IndianaGary4100 block of E 10th Ave00012
1135932June 8, 2018OhioCleveland3100 block of Scranton Rd10002
