Home Invasions

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort descendingVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1287771December 22, 2018New JerseyMonroe Township (Monroe)N Beecham Rd00000
1247311November 2, 2018ColoradoDenverN Downing St and 14th Ave00100
1244723October 30, 2018KentuckyGuthrieN Ewing St00000
1171015July 23, 2018IndianaSouth BendN Illinois St00012
1037194January 26, 2018CaliforniaCloverdaleN Jefferson St00000
1299023April 4, 2018South CarolinaWalhallaN Laurel St00001
1212585September 18, 2018CaliforniaFresnoN Maple Ave and E Shields Ave11002
1248749November 5, 2018OklahomaOklahoma CityN Military Ave and NW 50th St00000
1028313January 15, 2018GeorgiaJacksonN Mulberry St and 1st St10004
1281799December 20, 2018OklahomaTulsaN Peoria Ave and E 26th Pl00001
1188762August 15, 2018South CarolinaCharlestonN Romney St01100
1144481June 19, 2018OklahomaTulsaN Sheridan Rd and E Pine St00000
1263674November 26, 2018CaliforniaFresnoN Valentine Ave and W Olive Ave01000
1266251November 28, 2018ArkansasLittle RockNandina Cir00000
1062149March 4, 2018KentuckyLondonNantz Rd00010
1037653January 28, 2018North CarolinaRocky PointNC 5300004
1063129February 7, 2018North CarolinaColumbiaNC 94 N00003
1268277December 2, 2018FloridaMiamiNE 207th St and 13th Ave00000
1053690February 19, 2018WashingtonSeattleNE 55th St and 26th Ave NE00100
1202408September 2, 2018GeorgiaWaynesboroNeely Cir00001
1104942April 12, 2018TennesseeJacksonNeff St00001
1104206April 8, 2018District of ColumbiaWashingtonNew Hampshire Ave NW00000
1104142April 30, 2018New YorkJamestownNewland Ave00001
1179435August 4, 2018AlabamaHuntsvilleNewson Rd and Drake Ave01001
1135468May 30, 2018GeorgiaGainesvilleNewton St00002
