Home Invasions

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort descendingOperations
1223736October 2, 2018OhioPerkins5600 block of Campbell St00002
1244777October 14, 2018OklahomaTulsaE Seminole Pl and N Greenwood Ave30002
1244558October 29, 2018OhioWarrenEdgehill Ave SE01002
1242786October 26, 2018New YorkStaten IslandIbsen Ave00022
1242162October 27, 2018North CarolinaHendersonvilleHS Dalton Rd01012
1241145October 25, 2018TexasSan Antonio4025 Mystic Sunrise Dr12002
1240500October 24, 2018New YorkChappaquaPond Hill Rd00002
1239380October 23, 2018WashingtonSeattle (Seatac)20400 block of 15th Ave S00002
1236404October 19, 2018North CarolinaChapel Hill5333 Lucas Farm Ln01002
1234694October 16, 2018PennsylvaniaNew Castle319 W North St30002
1233918October 12, 2018OhioClevelandMiddlebrook Blvd00012
1232078September 29, 2018New HampshireDurham20 Clubhouse St00002
1231929October 12, 2018KentuckyHenderson3600 block of Jason Ave00002
1193602August 21, 2018MaineLimingtonOssippee Trail00002
1221720September 30, 2018MissouriTunasMO 73 and State Hwy PP20002
1220035September 26, 2018IllinoisPeoria2600 block of N Lavalle Court00002
1218909September 26, 2018WisconsinBristol14600 block of Hwy C00012
1215426July 23, 2018IndianaEast Chicago3900 block of Deodar St00002
1212585September 18, 2018CaliforniaFresnoN Maple Ave and E Shields Ave11002
1212556September 18, 2018IndianaIndianapolis3200 block of Schofield Ave00002
1210032September 13, 2018MichiganDetroit19000 block of Lyndon11102
1207846September 10, 2018CaliforniaNorwalk11800 block of 160th St00002
1205974September 5, 2018FloridaTallahassee400 Putnam Dr00002
1201534August 15, 2018New YorkPotsdamN/A00002
1199635May 20, 2018MarylandFinksburg1500 block of Deer Park Rd00002
